Thursday, April 18, 2013

GDS172 HW13: A Visible Grid

Since part of the weeks reading dealt with grids, I thought this would be an appropriate example of graphic design to blog about.  The type is make up of eight pieces of two-tone paper that are all the same size, but folded to make up the letters.  The white space contains a visible grid that the letters follow.  The visible grid works really well with folded look, bringing to mind origami tutorials and the like.  Overall, very well done.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

GDS 172 HW12: Beard Fonts

So...this is a thing.  A poster that assigns beard styles to a corresponding font.  I need this on my wall.  Anyway, while there is variation from face to face, the same basic shape is repeated throughout the piece, creating a rhythm.  It's not a very exciting rhythm...rather like one person doing a slow and steady clap, but it is a rhythm nonetheless.