Monday, September 5, 2011

I Parked by the Bunny

About a month ago, I got the chance to go to Indianapolis, IN with a couple of friends of mine and attend Gen-Con, which is a national gamers convention.  It was a nerd and geek convention.  It was awesome!  Anyway, being that we were in a strange town and might not remember where we had parked in the very vast parking garage we had chosen, we decided that it would be wise to take a picture of the sign close by as a landmark.  This is the level and section we were in...and the interesting thing was, each section had a different animal attached to it, and each level a different color.  Each animal was designed very simply, using only enough contour and shape to make it recognizable as the animal it was.  The brilliant part about this method is how well it sticks in your mind.  You may not remember a number and a letter, but you will most certainly remember a color and animal.  Turns out that later in the evening when we went back to the car, we were able to remember where without looking at the picture.  I would say this is an amazing example of successful graphic design.

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