Monday, November 7, 2011

In case of fire, read sign.

The Swiss movement gave birth to a new concept of simplicity in design.  Even now, we still see examples of the Swiss mentality in modern day design.  I tried researching the history of this fire extinguisher sign (yes it is technically a sticker, but I'm calling it a sign), but I was unable to come up with much aside of a major distributor.  While I am unsure of whether or not this sign (which I found in a gas station, by the by) was designed during the height of the Swiss movement, I do think it is a very good example of the Swiss style.  Clean, straight lines and angles and the use of a modified Helvetica typeface are all characteristic of the Swiss style.  The design works really well because, although stacked type is usually a no-no in the graphic design world, it makes your eye follow the arrow down to the extinguisher below.  In an emergency, simplicity is what you will want in order to communicate with someone in a state of panic.  This works and, doubtless, has saved lives.  My hat is off to the designer, whoever you are.

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