Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Pirate's Life for Me!

 As any long time blog followers might know, one of the first blogs I did was on the 826 Valencia Pirate Supply Store.  Well, since today is Talk Like a Pirate Day, I figured it was well worth a revisit.  The award winning packaging design for this, and other pirate products, was designed by Office, a San Francisco based design firm.   All of the designs done for the Pirate Supply Store have a wonderful sense of humor to them and I love the concept of all of the products.  The best part?  Online shopping is available and all proceeds go to fund 826 Valencia's writing programs.  So, me hearties, FILL YOUR HOLDS WITH BOOTY! It's for a good cause, after all.


  1. I was so curious by your post that I had to visit the website. I'll be sporting my new glass eye, lefty hook, and twangin' my jaw harp on Monday. Maybe I'll get a beard extension so that you'll recognize me.


  2. seriously got a hook? Those things are PRICEY! I will bring my jaw harp too! We can have a twang-off...which sounds dirty now that I type it out...
