"Therefore, since
brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
will be brief." -Hamlet Act 2, scene 2,
I am a huge Shakespeare fan, having acted in many of his plays, including Hamlet. In fact, I delivered the above line (the irony of which is that, after saying this, the character goes on for a few more pages). This poster for a production put on by the Saratoga Shakespeare Company was designed by Palio, a design firm out of Saratoga Springs, NY. It is utterly brilliant. For those who aren't familiar with the play, the main character, Hamlet, slowly descends into madness as the play progresses. This poster conveys that quite well. The man is covering his face, yet one eye stares out. Hiding, yet seeking. Looking at this, you know nothing happy is going to come of this. I love it.
The poster comes courtesy of the Graphis website.
Wow, this one is emotionally charged. So like Shakespeare! The designer was defiantly familiar with his writings. The viewer is so wrapped up in the strong visual that they will want to see what this dark, mysteriously brooding play is all about.Their typographic choice is also creating tension for the viewer.